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De Botton, L., Puigvert, L., & Sánchez A. M. (2005): The inclusion of other women: Breaking the silence through dialogic learning. Dordrecht, Netherlands:Springer. |
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Giner, Elisenda. (2011). Amistad deseada. Aportaciones de Jesús Gómez y Ramón Flecha que están acercando la realidad a nuestros sueños. Barcelona: Hipatia Editorial. |
Artículos sobre socialitzación preventiva y nuevas masculinidades
Gómez, A.; Munté, A.; & Sordé. T. (2014). Transforming Schools Through Minority Males’ Participation: Overcoming Cultural Stereotypes and Preventing Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Doi:10.1177/0886260513515949. |
Serradell, O.; Santa Cruz. I.; & Mondéjar, E. (2014) Can the men’s movement attract young men? The Men in Dialogue Association. Journal of Gender Studies (in press). Doi: 10.1080/09589236.2013.872556. |
Puigvert, L. (2014). Preventive Socialization of Gender Violence. Moving Forward using the Communicative Methodology of Research. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 839-843. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537221. |
Díez-Palomar, J.;Capllonch, M.; Aiello, E. (2014). Analyzing Male Attractiveness Models from a Communicative Approach: Socialization, Attraction, and Gender-based Violence. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 844-849. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537205 |
Yuste, M.; Serrano, Mª A.; Girbés, S. & Arandia, M. (2014). Romantic love and gender violence: Clarifying misunderstandings through communicative organization of the research. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 850-855, Doi:10.1177/1077800414537206. |
Tellado, I.; López-Calvo, L.; Alonso-Olea, Mª J. (2014). Dialogic Design of Qualitative Data Collection for Researching the Mirage of Upward Mobility. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 856-862, Doi:10.1177/1077800414537207. |
Rué, L.; Martínez, I.; Flecha, A. & Álvarez, P. (2014). Successful Communicative Focus Groups with Teenagers and Young People: How to Identify the Mirage of Upward Mobility. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 863-869. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537208. |
Rodríguez-Navarro, H.; Ríos-González, O.; Racionero-Plaza, S.; Macías, F. (2014). New methodological Insights into Communicative Acts that Promote New Alternative Masculinities. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 870-875. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537209. |
Ramis, M.; Martín, N.; Íñiguez, T. (2014). How the dialog in communicative daily life stories transforms women’s analyses of why they suffered gender violence. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 876-882. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537210. |
Vidu, A.; Schubert, T.; Muñoz, B. & Duque, E. (2014). What students say about gender violence within universities: Rising voices from the communicative methodology of research. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 883-888. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537211. |
Pulido, C.; Elboj, C.; Campdepadrós, R.; & Cabré, J. (2014). Exclusionary and transformative dimensions: Communicative analysis enhancing solidarity among women to overcome gender violence. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 889-894. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537212. |
Redondo, G.; Pulido-Rodríguez, M.; Larena, R.; de Botton, L. (2014). Not Without Them: The Inclusion of Minors’ Voices on Cyber Harassment Prevention. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 895-901. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537214. |
Oliver, E. (2014). Zero Violence since Early Childhood: The Dialogic Recreation of Knowledge. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 902-908. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537215. |
Valls-Carol, R. (2014). Contributions for eradicating gender violence: female empowerment and egalitarian dialogue in the methodological foundations of FACEPA Women’s Group. Qualitative Inquiry: 20: 909-915. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537216. |
Padrós, M. (2014). A transformative approach to prevent peer violence in schools: contributions from communicative research methods. Qualitative Inquiry: 20: 916-922. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537217. |
García-Yeste, C. (2014). Overcoming Stereotypes through the Other Women’s Communicative Daily Life Stories. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 923-927. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537218. |
Gómez, A. (2014). How friendship generates key research questions that help to overcome gender-based violence: a personal narrative. Qualitative Inquiry, 20: 934-940. Doi:10.1177/1077800414537220. |
Flecha, R., Puigvert, L. & Ríos, O. (2013). The New Alternative Masculinities and the Overcoming of Gender Violence. International and Multidisciplinar Journal of Social Sciences, 2 (1), 88-113, Abstract |
Ramis, M., Alonso, M.J. & Siles, G. (2013) Communicative Methodology of Research in the Preventive Socialization of Gender Violence. International Review of Qualitative Research, 6(2): 266-276. Abstract |
Flecha A., Pulido C., & Christou M. (2011). Transforming violent selves through reflection in critical communicative research. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 246-255. Abstract Full text |
Aubert, A., Melgar, P. & Valls, R. (2011). Communicative Daily Life Stories and Focus Groups: Proposals for Overcoming Gender Violence among Teenagers. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 295-303. Abstract Full text |
Oliver, E.; Soler, M.; Flecha, R. (2009). Opening schools to all (women): efforts to overcome gender violence in Spain British Journal of Sociology of Education , Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 207–218. Abstract Full text |
Valls, R., Puigvert, L., & Duque, E.(2008). Gender Violence amongst teenagers: socialization and prevention. Violence against Women,14(7), 759-785. Abstract Full text |
Ríos, O., & Christou, M. (2010). Más allá del lenguaje sexista. Actos comunicativos en las relaciones afectivo-sexuales de los y las adolescentes. Special Issue: Communicative acts for social inclusion, Signos, 43(2), 311-326 Abstract Full text |
Valls,R., Torrego, L., Colàs, P. & Ruiz, L. (2009). Prevención de la Violencia de género en las Universidades: valoración de la comunidad universitaria sobre las medidas de atención y prevención, Género y Educación, coordinado por Rocío Anguita y Luis Torrego (Universidad de Valladolid). Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 23,1(64), 41-59. ISSN: 0213-8646. Abstract Full text |
Valls, R., Flecha, A. & Melgar, P. (2008). Violència de gènere a les universitats catalanes: mesures per a la prevenció i superació. Temps d’Educació, (35), 201-216. ISSN: 0214-7351 Abstract Full text |
Valls, R., Oliver, E., Sánchez Aroca, M., Ruiz Eugenio, L. & Melgar, P. (2007). ¿Violencia de género también en las universidades? Investigaciones al respecto. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 25 (1), 219-231. ISSN: 0212-4068. Abstract Full text |
Artículos sobre metodología comunicativa
Mertens, D. & Sordé, T. (2014). Editorial. Mixed Methods Research with groups at risk: New developments and key debates. Journal of Mixed Methods Research (in press). Doi: 10.1177/1558689814527916 Abstract |
Gómez, A. (2014). New Developments in Mixed Methods with Vulnerable Groups. Journal of Mixed Methods Research (in press). Doi:10.1177/1558689814527879 Abstract |
Flecha, R. (2014). Using mixed methods from a communicative orientation: Researching with grassroots Roma. Journal of Mixed Methods Research (in press). Doi: 10.1177/1558689814527945 Abstract Full text |
Flecha, R. & Soler, M. (2014). Communicative Methodology: Successful Actions and Dialogic Politics.Current Sociology, 62(2): 232-242. Abstract Full text |
Gómez, A., Elboj, C. & Capllonch, M. (2013). Beyond Action Research. The Communicative Methodology of Research. International Review of Qualitative Research, 6(2): 183-197. Abstract |
Sánchez, M., Yuste, M., de Botton, L. & Kostic, R. (2013). Communicative Methodology of Research with Minority Groups. International Review of Qualitative Research, 6(2): 226-238. Abstract |
Aiello, E., Mondejar, E. & Pulido, M.A. (2013). Communicative Methodology of Research and Recognition of the Roma People. International Review of Qualitative Research, 6(2): 254-265. Abstract |
Rodríguez, F., Rué, L. & López, L. (2013). Situating the Communicative Methodology of Research in the Context of Public Science. International Review of Qualitative Research, 6(2): 307-322. Abstract |
Puigvert, L., Christou, M. &Holdford, J. (2012). Critical Communicative Methodology: including vulnerables voices in research through dialogue. Cambridge Journal of Education, 42 (4) Full text |
Gómez, A., Puigvert, L. & Flecha R. (2011). Critical Communicative Methodology: Informing real social transformation through research. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 235-245. Abstract Full text |
Munté, A., Serradell, O. & Sordé, T. (2011). From research to policy: Roma participation through communicative organization. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 256-266. Abstract Full text |
Oliver, E., de Botton, L., Soler, M. & Merril B. (2011). Cultural intelligence to overcome educational exclusion. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 267-276. Abstract Full text |
Redondo, G., Santa Cruz, I. & Rotger J. (2011). Why Mondragon? Analyzing what works in overcoming inequalities. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 277-283. Abstract Full text |
García, C., Ferrada, D. & Ruiz, L. (2011). Other Women in research: overcoming social inequalities and improving scientific knowledge through the inclusion of all voices. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 284-294.Abstract Full text |
Padrós, M., García, R., de Mello, R. & Molina S. (2011). Contrasting scientific knowledge with knowledge from the lifeworld: The Dialogic Inclusion Contract. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 304-312. Abstract Full text |